2021-2022 AGM - Kelowna Curling Club

2021-2022 AGM – Kelowna Curling Club

November 16, 2021

Kelowna Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists (KASHA) will be conducting our AGM for our members and anyone interested in joining.  The AGM will be held upstairs in the restaurant at Kelowna Curling Club on November 16, 2021 at 5:30 pm.

To join KASHA for the upcoming year and also vote at the AGM please pay here, or come to our AGM on November 16th, at 5:30 pm, and pay for your membership there.  We will order our dinners at 6:00pm. 

You must RSVP HERE  

We only have 20 spots

Logical Fallacy game  – 7:00pm – Nina/Daniel

We will start with a fun game of guessing logical fallacies. You can try your skills on catching illogical thinking. This could be handy for your anti-vax friends.

AGM – 7:30pm – Daniel

1. Review/approval of 2020/2021 AGM minutes.

2.President’s report – Nina

3. Treasurer’s report – Darrel

4. Election for Board – 3 Candidate for 2 year term – New Candidate – Jan Goss
Re-electing – Nina George and Tania Kuehn
5. Goals  – What do KASHA members want to do next year? How do we want to
expand and reach out to the community? How do we want to serve KASHA members?

Parking is free.  There is elevator access to the second floor.

The Curling Club will check your vaccine certificate and ID as you enter at the front desk.

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