Democracy? The Emperor Has No Clothes.
May 12, 2022
Click Here for How Did a Baptist, a Seventh-Day Adventist, and a Church of God Believer Leave Their Faith?
Our speaker, David Fowler, grew up with typical baby-boomer views: GI Joe and the USA were heroes fighting Stalin, Mao, and the dirty commies for the soul of the world. His subsequent travels through Cuba, Vietnam, China, and Chile led him to re-examine his beliefs and question the supremacy of American-style democracy. Which type of government, he asked himself, best serves the needs of the governed? Join us as David tries to answer this question as he takes us through an interactive comparison of the western and Chinese forms of governance. This discussion is not likely to leave you with a definitive answer but perhaps it will help you to ask better questions of those who seek to lead our city, province, and country.
The evening will commence at 6 pm with time for a meal and social interaction with the talk beginning around 7 pm. The Creekside Pub is providing the meeting room for free. We ask that you purchase food or beverage while attending our forum.
We are limited to 30 attendees so please indicate if you plan on attending.
RSVP here.
If you are someone who likes to read ahead:
Here is what can be considered the official Chinese view on democracy:
Here is the more standard (and even-handed) western view:
Is China Socialist or State Capitalist? Video
Finally, if you are old school and prefer to read (albeit online) here is a good article from the Atlantic:
KASHA follows the COVID guidelines laid out by the BC health authorities and therefore will not require vaccination to attend events and activities after 7 April 2022. However, given that many KASHA members are at a higher risk than the general population, it is preferred that attendees be fully vaccinated against COVID 19.