KASHA Marching with Kelowna Pride
June 22, 2019
You can walk with KASHA in the Kelowna Pride March on Sunday June 22nd.
March as a skeptic, atheist or humanist and show we support LGBT2Q equity, inclusion and acceptance within the Okanagan Valley and beyond.
You can dress as you please.(Pastafarian,Ottawa atheists in march, humanists in BC) If you would like to create a sign to support the Pride and are walking with us, please let us know ahead of time. We have two small signs that has our logo, but we don't have a large banner that can be carried.
We need everyone to come out and show our solidarity with the LGBTQ community. You don't have to be a KASHA member to march with us.
We will also have a booth where we will be educating people on the issues of secularism and critical thinking. In particular we will be encouraging people to sign the BC Humanists marriage officiants petition as secular officiants are not automatically given the right to officiate a marriage. The Government of BC does not recognize Humanist marriage officiants, meaning the only option for a non-religious couple is to find a government marriage commissioner.
We will also have an Ask an Atheist activity at the booth where people can ask an atheist about what it is like to be an atheist.
Click here for more info on all the Kelowna Pride events.