KASHA Wednesday am Coffee Klatsch
December 16, 2020
· Meeting Dates: Wednesday, Dec. 2, 9 & 16. On or shortly after Dec 16, we can decide if the Klatsch will continue in 2021-01.
· Meeting Time: 9:30 to 11:30 am
· ZOOM Invite Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84690036804?pwd=bmZDdi9uc3ZPTGs5b0RzeEdYVEUvUT09
· ZOOM Meeting Protocols: The link should be all one needs to log on, whereupon each Attendee will be placed in a Waiting Room until I admit them. This essentially is a ZOOM security protocol.
· KASHA Coffee Klatsch topics: It is open to any item that attendees wish to discuss. That is, there will be no pre-planned topics, unless such is suggested at one meeting for the next meeting.
· KASHA Coffee Klatsch host: Reg Olson
KASHA meets for breakfast and discussions