Educational Links from Electoral Reform Discussion

On October 26th, we had Dr. Andrew Irvine (No-PR) and Dr. Wayne Broughton (Yes- PR) present their perspectives on the upcoming referendum on changing our electoral system from First Past the Post to a form of Proportional Representation. They have kindly shared their references from their respective presentations.

 Elections BC must RECEIVE your ballot before 4:30 pm on Friday, November 30, 2018.

References from Dr. Andrew Irvine –  UBCO Department of Economics, Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics

• Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini (2003) The Economic Effects of Constitutions,
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press
• Lorenz Blume, Jens Müller, Stefan Voigt and Carsten Wolf (2009) “The Economic
Effects of Constitutions: Replicating – and Extending – Persson and Tabellini” Public Choice, 197-225
• John D. Whyte and Andrew D. Irvine (2008) “Searching for Democratic Vitality”, Policy Dialogue (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy), 17, 3-4
• Richard Zussman (2018) “Former B.C. premier Ujjal Dosanjh pushes for ‘No’ vote against Proportional Representation,” Global News, 28 June 2018,

·     Blume, Lorenz, Jens Müller, Stefan Voigt and Carsten Wolf (2009) “The Economic Effects of Constitutions: Replicating – and Extending – Persson and Tabellini”, Public Choice, 197-225
·     Elections BC:
·     Fair Voting BC:

References from Dr. Wayne Broughton – UBCO Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics

• Alfano, M. & Baraldi, A. (2015). Proportional Degree of Electoral Systems
Growth: A Panel Test. Rev. Law Econ. 2015; 11(1): 51–78
• Blais, A, Loewen, PJ (2007). “Electoral systems and evaluations of
democracy.” In: Cross, W (ed.) Democratic Reform in New Brunswick. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, pp. 39–57
• Blais, Morin-chassé and Singh (2017). “Election outcomes, legislative representation and satisfaction with democracy.” Party Politics. Volume: 23 issue: 2, page(s): 85-95

• Carey, John M. and Hix, Simon (2011). “The Electoral Sweet Spot: Low- magnitude Proportional Electoral Systems.” American Journal of Political  Science 55-2: 383-397
• Knutsen, Carl (2011). “Which Democracies Prosper? Electoral Rules, Forms of Government, and Economic Growth.” Electoral Studies 30: 83-90
• Lijphart, Arend (2012). Patterns of Democracy. Government Forms and Performance in 36 Countries. New Haven, CT: Yale Press
• Orellana, Saloman (2014). Electoral Systems and Governance: How Diversity Can Improve Policy Making. New York: Routledge Press

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