The History of Bob Dooley’s Religious Life
My Religious Story
Bob was born and raised in a Christian family. Bob’s parents accepted and were convinced of the standard beliefs of fundamentalist Christianity, and from a young age, Bob absorbed these beliefs from his parents. Significant life events were interpreted as occurring in the full knowledge of God, who at times altered events in conformance to his will.
I don’t know the exact date, but I think it was between 6 and 8 years of age that I had my conversion experience. Our family was attending a series of meetings at some kind of religious camp in the US where I committed myself to Jesus, asked for forgiveness of my sins, etc. The enthusiasm of the counsellors was catching, and it rubbed off on me for some time. But it didn’t last that long after the actual conversion experience. According to the theory, I was assured that Jesus took a load of sin off my shoulders (so to speak) and I would no longer be laden down with this. But if I compared how I was 1 month before the load was lifted to how I was 1 month after . . . I never noticed any load before or after!
Read Bob’s full article here: Bob Dooley – My Religious Story