Tag Archive for: Atheism

Pebbles and White Flags

What Gives You Joy?

I was intrigued when I first read the title of a book a few…

Social Studies

When I'm interested in learning more about a subject, I read,…
Charles Darwin in 1881

Happy Birthday Charles

It can be intellectually stimulating and fruitful, and it can…
Divorcing Religion Book

Janice Selbie’s New Book – ‘Divorcing Religion: A Memoir and Survival Handbook

KASHA’s president, Janice Selbie, has published her journey…
Remove Keep Christ in Christmas sign

Remove Political Ideology Sign From Nativity Display

It has come to our attention that the City of Kelowna has once…
Canada Secularism Flag

Kelowna Has a Large Non-Religious Population

Did you know that since 2021 Kelowna residents are comprised…

Bernie Nordquist

Name: JB (Bernie) NordquistBirthplace: Born in Thunder Bay,…
Janice Selbie Divorcing Religion

Janice Selbie

Name: Janice SelbieBirthplace: New Westminster, BCWhat…

Tea Bag Tag Advice for a New Year

I haven't made a New Year's resolution in years, and this…

Problems with Atheism

written by John WaddingtonIt seems to me that the various…