Governing Bodies Can Implode

On August 16, 1999, Alberta’s Learning Minister, Lyle Oberg, dissolved the Calgary Board of Education and appointed temporary trustees.  The board had become so dysfunctional that it imploded.  Some board members held such strong stances, bordering on extreme views, that they could not make it work.

One of the members had interned at the Fraser Institute.  The Fraser Institute is a conservative/libertarian Canadian public policy think tank.  This member is now Alberta’s new premier, Daniel Smith!  This website details the history of that board:

Elections and candidates are important, especially these days.  There seems to be more than the usual number of candidates holding extreme views, running in the upcoming municipal elections.  And some of these candidates are running for school board trustees.

The upcoming municipal election will be on October 15, 2022.

There is a new political party running candidates for school board trustees who have had a history of extreme views.  The party is called the Parent Voice British Columbia (PVBC).

Here is their website showing their candidates running in this election:

A radical anti-vaccine, anti-SOGI, and anti-almost-everything-normal group called Action4Canada (A4C) supports the PVBC candidates running for school boards across BC.

Some of their members have recently been handing out their Anti-SOGI pamphlets to parents in the parking lots of elementary schools in Kelowna.

Castanet article:

A4C pamphlet:

We should do our homework and find out from where the candidates are coming and what policies they support.  I hope we can elect people with some common sense and the ability to make our school board work.

by Darrel Lewis