The Abortion Question: Morally Challenging, Politically Easy

The Abortion Question: Morally Challenging, Politically Easy

October 15, 2019

The Abortion Question: Morally Challenging, Politically Easy

The KASHA Forum is a monthly, topical-facilitated, small-group discussion with dinner and drinks.

Like the last forum the evening will commence at 6:00 pm with time for a meal and some social interaction before delving into our topic. Come and join us for what should be an informative evening!

You must RSVP HERE.

UBCO philosophy professor, Dan Ryder, will be exploring the moral arguments between the main anti- and pro- abortion groups. What is a moral argument? And, how does one navigate the moral quagmire that concerns the human fetus?

Please come to Dan's provocative talk and of course, discussion will ensue.

3929 Lakeshore Road
Kelowna, BC, BC V1W 1V3

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